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Creating the Life of Your Design
5 month program

Do you have a great life, but you know it could be SO MUCH better?
Do you feel malnourished in your spirit, like you give so often and you are left depleted? What if you don't want to stop giving because you love it, but you would like to find a way to feel full up and nurtured too. Are you struggling to show up in the way you know is possible with your kids, your partner, your business?
Do you ever feel like you are overwhelmed with juggling life and its many demands and it leaves you too exhausted to even ask what it is that you would like to have as your life if you could create it?
Have you signed up for programs in the past where it focuses on one aspect of your life....your business, your relationship or you, but you left it feeling like your life went out of balance because that one aspect started to eclipse the rest? Well, in this program we look at how all aspects are interconnected and flow through each other. We are not looking for equal balance - here we will be creating the fullness of the life you desire to have that allows you to feel fulfilled and overflowing rather than overwhelmed and disconnected! When we come from our center, magically everything around us starts to change and become more ease, joy and vibrant.
What I know is:
*It takes time and consistency to create a new path that is truly fulfilling.
*It does not have to be hard, in fact, the journey to creation can be laced with tons of joy, fun, connection, and laughter.
*It requires help and a tribe. Yes, a tribe. When we surround ourselves with other people who are also in this creation mode, we have collaboration, camaraderie, support, and laughter. Yep, laughter is a major part of all of this.
*It takes the transformation of unconscious patterns, not only in our mind but also in our cellular memory in order to blossom into a life filled with vibrancy and depth.
What is provided:
*Tools that are simple, but life-changing that you can use anywhere and anytime to create the life of your design.
*2 group calls a month with other women who are asking the same questions and also seeking to create the life of their design.
*1 private Intuitive Guidance System Session in person. This session taps into your body's natural ability to guide you and invite you into the space of receiving and releasing. It also deals with the unconscious patterns that keep us stuck in and invites them to transform with ease.
*1 private online Creation Call a month. This brings your personal goals and desire to the forefront and allows us to customize the tools to consciously create the new pathways forward to the Life of Your Design.
*30 emails that are sent to inspire and promote new thought ways and cellular patterns of expansiveness.
Topics covered:
*How to up-level your receiving; from more clients, to more joy, to more income, to more fun and freedom.
*How to let go of destructive patterns that keep you stuck or looping.
*How to use your body's innate navigational system to have a more fulfilling life. How to know what the signs are inviting you to rather than being confused.
*How to not be drained when you are around people who pull on your energy.
*How to expand your awareness and the gifts of possibilities.
*How to develop a self-love that transcends into the world around you.
*The power of prayer and meditation - wait til you hear the ways you get to do these!
*and more!
Key concepts:
*The powerful difference between gratitude and acknowledgment
*The powerful difference between trying and allowance
*The powerful difference between forcing things and taping into your innate power
*The powerful difference between being a taker and being a receiver
*The powerful difference to being contracted to old patterns to being the director of all energies
*The powerful difference to creating from judgment and limitation vs allowance and possibility
*Releasing unfulfilling patterns
*Embracing possibilities
*Prayer and meditation - new ways!
* Self-care/ Self -filling vs Selfish
*Intuitive Guidance System
*Body Awareness/Body Talk
*Cellular Pathways
*and more
Dates and Details :
*Begins February 1st
*Group Calls are on the 1st and 4th Friday of each month from 9-10am online.
*We will schedule your in person and online private sessions in advance.
*Emails will be sent and yes, responses will be part of creating the life in the way that you desire it to be.
Level 1 Just group calls x2 per month, Private FB group and inspiring/life expanding emails.
This is $147 (regular price $197 per month.
Level 2 Group calls x2 per month, Private FB group, emails AND 1 private coaching call on zoom each month. This is $247 per month. (regular price is $347 per month) The group starts on Feb 1st for all of these.
******Level 3 - all listed above AND 1 in person Intuitive Body Process that taps into your internal guidance system per month. This is truly key in my opinion because the Intuitive Body Process melts away the cellular memories and ways that we unconsciously have patterns that sabotage our conscious plans. Having this as a part of the package accelerates the progress, ease, joy, and success.
This is $397 per month IF you sign up and do a deposit before January 20th. (regular price is $497 per month) It is a 5-month commitment since we are going after internal change, expansion, and connection with other women too.
Group call list:
9-10am CST
Feb 1st
Feb 22nd
Mar 1st
Mar 22nd
Apr 5th
Apr 26th
May 3rd
May 24th
June 7th
June 28th