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Now Offering:


start your journey today through the


get started now with a

your personal guide to accessing your true purpose and happiness


If you are looking for guidance on your way forward that actually makes sense - one you can get behind, reach out for a session with Tara.  She is tapped into the gateways to your future and guides you in a way where you feel your worth in every step.  She has an ability to see the doorways to possibilities for your life that allow for ease and happiness to return.


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- a focus on real possibilities instead of what you "should" do


- use simple methods that create instant results and transformations in your life


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- feel safe in a space that allows you to just show up


- create a practice of deep self connection


- ongoing support, in and out of sessions

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- learn how to navigate emotions instead of "fixing" or getting rid of them - it's really okay to feel!


- be guided into wholeness as opposed to perfection

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- discover your unique self expression and a way of functioning that works for YOU


- unearth your authentic being and embody it's pure essence

Hover over each circle to find out how Tara's approach to dealing with the chaos of life
reduces your suffering and invites profound transformation!

  • How long are sessions?
    Adults: 45-60 minutes; Teens: 30-40 minutes.
  • Are sessions recorded?
    Yes, with permission.
  • Who has access to the recorded sessions?
    The client and Tara.
  • If my teen/20 something works with you, will I get progress reports?
    Yes, anytime a minor (anyone that is paid for by their parents) works with me, I share progress reports through a free app called Voxer. There are elements that remain confidential for the mental well being for the teen/young adult. But this provides greater support for parents and kids all around.
  • Can this be covered by insurance and is Tara a licensed therapist?
    Regrettably, the answer to both inquiries is no, but for compelling reasons. Numerous licensed professional counselors are transitioning to roles as coaches and facilitators, as they believe these positions offer more freedom to utilize tools that can significantly benefit their clients. Engaging in sessions with Tara equips clients with embodiment tools that alter their life experiences, not just their thought processes. Typically, the number of sessions required with Tara is significantly fewer than those needed in traditional therapy.
  • Can I try this out to see if this will work for me?
    Yes, set up a complimentary connection call by going to If you are bringing your 15-26 year old to this work, they will also need to sign up for a complimentary connection call. I would like to meet with you both before we start working together.


Here’s to the crazy ones - the sensitives, emotionals, rebels, misfits, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently. They're the ones who are done with fitting in or being like everyone else; they will no longer stay in the shadows or quietly share their message because THEY ARE HERE TO CHANGE THINGS.

Embody the Art of Being and share it with the world. Start your career in facilitation - no prior training needed - No preqreqresits, the only requirement to take this course is to posess the desire and capacity to make a difference.


The mission of The Academy of Being is to show people that they are worthy and capable of living a deeply successful, connected and nourishing life and that it doesn't have to be hard.  The people featured below have expanded into more of their natural space of being while blessing SO many around them.  We are truly blessed & honored to work with such incredible humans that were once gripped by impossible situations and are now empowered, whole & free!

Brave, it is what I wish for you!

This song says so much.  It is hard to know who we are in a world that is constantly telling us who to be, what to think and what to want, but isn't it time to be brave enough to know who you are and be it?

I don't own the rights to this song.  I am merely sharing it because it is powerful and may inspire you to be brave. 

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